Disease shows us we are stuck

The Five Elements of Chinese medicine show us how and where we are stuck

Awareness shows us the way forward

Curious what your Five Element Constitution is? Click here to take the quiz

Disease shows us we are stuck

The Five Elements of Chinese medicine show us how and where we are stuck

Awareness shows us the way forward

Curious what your Five Element Constituion is? Click here to take the quiz

The Five Elements of Chinese medicine

Water – Wood – Fire – Earth – Metal

The Five Elements of Chinese medicine originated centuries ago with the dawn of Daosim. They are the same five elements that are found in Feng Shui, some styles of martial arts, and in Chinese astrology. Put simply, ancient Chinese doctors and philosophers saw the human body intimately connected with nature. Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal, are the elements that make up nature and therefore make up our human form. When we can bring balance to these element within ourselves, we cultivate harmony and health.

The theory of the Five Elements is that each of us is prone to certain personality traits and habitual tendencies. This is similar to other personality-type systems like Enneagram and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. What is unique about the Five Elements of Chinese medicine is that these personality types and habitual tendencies are then tied to our bodies and our health.

Water constitutions enjoy deep thinking. They tend to retreat into themselves and can be introverted. The archetype of the philosopher exemplifies the water constitution. Water rules the kidney, urinary bladder, bones, nervous system and brain. Its emotion is fear. Its virtue is wisdom, which is what brings the water constitution back into balance. Diseases of the nervous system like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) can be diseases that show an imbalance in the water element.

Wood constitutions like to have a plan. They make good leaders and teachers. The archetype of the pioneer exemplifies the wood constitution. Wood rules the liver, gallbladder, tendons, and ligaments. Its emotion is anger. Its virtue is benevolence which is what brings the wood constitution back into balance. Diseases like headaches, tinnitus, endometriosis, and diabetes show an imbalance in the wood element.

Fire constitutions love deep emotional connection with others. They can be intuitive and make decisions from their feelings. The archetype of the sage exemplifies the fire constitution. Fire rules the heart, small intestine, pericardium, and triple heater. The triple heater is an organ that is specific to Chinese medicine. An easy way to think of the triple heater is that it is a connector that connects all organs to the heart and the fire element. Fire also rules the blood, arteries, and veins. Fire’s emotions are joy, excitement and anxiety. Its virtue is propriety which is what brings the fire element back into balance. Diseases like anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and ADHD show an imbalance in the fire element.

Earth constitutions are naturally nurturing and often think of others before they think of themselves. Earth constitutions may be very aware of how others are feeling. The archetype of the caregiver or mother exemplifies the earth constitution. Earth rules the organs of digestion which are the spleen, stomach, and pancreas as well as the muscles and lymphatic system. Its emotion is worry. Its virtue is integrity which is what brings the earth element back into balance. Diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Crohn’s disease show an imbalance in the earth element.

Metal constitutions tend to be precise and methodical. Metal constitutions like it when proper procedures are followed. The archetype of the alchemist exemplifies the metal constitution. Metal rules the lungs, large intestine, the immune system, and the skin. Its emotion is grief. Its virtue is nonattachment which is what brings metal constitutions back into balance. Diseases like sinus infections, eating disorders and Sjogren’s syndrome show an imbalance in the metal element.

Interested in finding out what your Five Element constitution is? Click here to take the quiz!

This is a lot to take in! Checkout this chart which helps organize all this information.

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